Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Where's the Tough Love?

Good lawdy!  Shanon is rocking the casbah.  For real.  She is down 30 big ones and is under 200.  That is a huge, huge accomplishment.  Those numbers on the scale are so significant.  She deserves every zero point tenths of a pound that is gone.  She is working hard and when she screws it up, she is learning from it and doing her dead level best to move forward.  She is doing this thing.

Ummm, me?  

Well, not so much.  I haven't gained it all back.  I'm sort of maintaining at a 20 pound loss, but I'm definitely struggling.

I keep thinking I'm going to get back on track.  Then something happens.  Insert Chick-Fil-A sandwich and a large Dr Pepper here.  At Wal-Mart, I was like an alcoholic. I could not even look at the bags of Lays Kettle Chips for fear my eyes would rest on the Salt and Vinegar variety.  Then who knows what I'd do...

I've been very silent on our Facebook page and here on the blog, and it's caused me to wonder:  where's my tough love?  Where are the people who should be asking me just what the samhill I'm doing?  I've actually had nothing to report, of course, except I think that Whataburger has better Dr Pepper than most any other place.  

I need some tough love, y'all!  This is hard!  I had a disagreement with Brian.  I stood in front of the refrigerator, trying to solve that problem.  I didn't plan well for meals while he was gone and gone and gone for what seemed like forever.  Actually I didn't plan at all.  Chick-Fil-A, et. al., solved that problem.  I threw a surprise party for Brian's 40th birthday.  Potato salad and a big, beautiful cake was on that menu.  None of that cake went to waste.  (Although I do have the name of a great cake person in this area...)  I went to a conference and had alone-access to one of my favorite restaurants.  "I'll start again on Sunday,"  I told myself.  Every week.  For the last 2 months.

I have found every excuse possible.  And my whole life is a slippery slope!  Brian and I have to be working in complete conjunction because one person stepping off the mark takes the whole train with them.  For real.  We are the worst food enablers.  I clearly need some tough love.  I am frustrated with myself because I could be where Shanon is instead of where I am now.  

Hold me accountable! When I don't post weight updates, ask for them! Someone, anyone, order me to GET. BACK. ON. TRACK.  To stop wallowing in it.  I  need to report to someone.  Stacey Garnett, I think this is a job for you.  I want to do this and I know it can be done.  But I'm working with the same old me and she's been doing things this way for a while now.  Just need a gruff cheerleader.  No more free passes or sympathetic looks.  

Anyone willing to be tough on me?           

I did something today that I never allow myself to do:  I went into a "regular" store.  Like The Limited and Jones New York.  Just to see how it felt.  It kind of reminded me when I was in high school and I was sooooo flat-chested.  And I would try on the padded bras and feel sad about how good I would look if I had some boobs.  

Except this time, it didn't feel sad and pathetic.  It felt doable.    

But I think I'm gonna need to answer to someone first.  




  1. Girl, I have your cell phone number. If I have to text you every evening to see what you're eating and what you're planning for tomorrow, I will. And if you need quick and easy recipes, you know I've got those, too. I got your back, sista. Don't make me come up there.

    1. Imagine me as...a ninny. Who needs her hand held, but no slack. She needs someone to help hold her feet to the fire. Or better yet, imagine this ninny is you. How could someone help you? Do that thing. ;) Then that trip to the mall might be entertainment to dangle!

    2. Hi Georgia, Trust u dont mind me posting here. I was inspired by your post in MDA, Success in the making stories, Reading your Journal makes me think you need a little support over a hurdle. If its encouragement u need you've got mine. Well done on your success so far. I subscribe to another forum ( Flylady) and the idea there is not to look back and fret over your fluttering (as opposed to flying) but to jump back where you are at, one baby step at a time. But maybe you have already done that. I have just recently stumbled on the Paleo diet and am 2 days into eating Good food..it feels so good. At the moment it feels like it will be the easiest thing change I've ever made but I am not completely delusional. However knowing that people stumble and get up again will be my inspiration. We are in this together. Looking forward to your update photo in MDA :). Slainte (health in gaelic) A.

  2. Thank you! I am well acquainted with FlyLady. I am a pretty devoted timer setter.
    Thank you for the encouragement. It's not always a picnic, but I am finding it is so worth it.


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